Being happy is important, especially when your dating life is active. Why?
First of all – because other people can sense your happiness or un-happiness. If you come to a date happy, your date will feel that and will respond accordingly. I did numerous tests myself, and any time I came to a date sad, grumpy or simply unsatisfied – it plain didn’t work. The girl I went on a date with just didn’t want me – plan and simple. Even if she was interested – there was a cloud of sadness or unhappiness that prevented her from getting in touch later or to respond to my attempts to contact her.
Second – it lowers your self-esteem and self-confidence. We talked about self-confidence before, so go visit that post. In short – the better you feel about yourself, the better she will feel about you. One of my dates told me that the minute she met me she felt my presence, in her words: “I felt like I am with a MAN!”. Only a few months before that another girl, just like this one was telling me that I am “not sexually attractive” and she doesn’t really want to be anything more than friends.
Last, but not least – people like to associate themselves with other happy people. Look around – how often do you see your coworkers or friends post pictures of themselves being sad, grumpy, deeply concerned or crying? You are more likely to see happy vacation faces, happy children smiles or happy romantic couples photos. Behind it there is a same reason – people want to associate themselves with happy people. It makes them happy too. So is your date – she wants others to see that she’s good and she can make her date happy.
Don’t just go on a date and kill it all out. Bring your happy face, happy thoughts, happy smiles and who knows – maybe by the same day three months from now, one sunny morning she will tell you smiling as happy as it goes: “Honey, today’s our three months anniversary”. Be happy.
My very first girl (don’t laugh!) was a cute 6-year old. I was a 6-year old cute boy then, so there wasn’t anything illegal involved. However, being a shy guy I still am, I managed to enjoy a continuous kissing sessions behind some abandoned building. She was, of course, against it, but I was damn persuasive. Besides, we all wanted to know what it feels like and why all those men and women on TV made such a big fuzz about it. Remember, we were 6, we had no idea what the hell the porn is.
Must admit – it doesn’t sound like much and it wasn’t much then. But now come to think of it – I was the earliest among my peers to start dating and actually got to a second base. She bragged about it even more then I did. We were heroes.
We didn’t even break up. Her parents moved to another part of town, so she went to a different kindergarten. Short story.
There was this girl I was dreaming about. She had beautiful golden hair streaming all the way to her waist, striking personality and F-sized breasts that made me weak in my knees. She said she was a witch. I didn’t believe her, but agreed with almost everything she said. You know how the guys are. When you are in a large company of friends it’s hard to break the routine and become something more then friends. And if it didn’t work out there’s a whole bunch of other issues you’re facing.
One day we were at her and her roommate’s apartment. She was telling us about the New Orleans’ Mardi Gras, where girls flash their boobs and get bead strings for each time they did it. I was dying to get there and see how it all will turn out. So I started asking questions, like if you can drink openly in New Orleans or do you have to flash cops so they would let you go with your beer; or does that flashing considered an improper public behavior or charity work – you know, those kinds of questions when you are trying to mask your genuine interest with funny stuff.
Turned out, when she was there she almost was announced a queen of some sort at Mardi Gras – given that she was 19 at that time and the size I mentioned above – it was bound to happen. We all talked some more about going to New Orleans, especially at the time when Mardi Gras starts (or ends – I didn’t really care at that moment) and have fun. I went into asking some more questions and, I think, that sort of gave me away.
She looked at me a little puzzled, then, like if she got the idea, she went into another room. Couple of minutes later she showed up with a thick bunch of those cheap beads they throw to women in New Orleans. She started giving them away. She gave me a couple of them and said that one day she would want those back, for same reason she got them the first time.
The eBook on how to avoid dating mistakes is almost ready. But before I will offer it to the general public, it needs to be proofread, so give me some more time on that.
Starting today we open a new category of posts in our blog – memoirs. We didn’t really think about this for long, since people who we talk to on a regular basis supply a constant stream of these stories. So, for your entertainment and pleasure, or for contemplation and awareness (whichever comes first) we present you the new section of our web site – memoirs.
People will do almost anything to lose weight. While the most logical, sustainable means of doing so hasn’t really changed — eat less and exercise every day it seems there are a host of new and outlandish methods to lose those love handles. Digg points us to the article on DivineCaroline, that describes ten deceitful diets.
Speaking from experience, there is no easy way to loose pounds. Just forget it, it will never happen. Sure, you may get a “magic pill” to burn all those extra inches of fat, but the problem is – once you stop eating those pills, the weight is back. And – in full force. So the only proper way to get rid of your overweight is to go natural.
Start today, while it is still January. By the dating/mating season (April-May) you will be able to achieve a presentable shape.
Sorry guys, our web site just went down for almost half-hour. Looks like we haven’t allocated enough bandwidth for it, so the server has notified our good friends at Zealus Web Design that we have overstayed our welcome. Thanks to same good friends at Zealus – they persuaded the server to give us some more time!
On a same note, I’d like to make a little announcement. While we will continue to impress you with dating advice you can’t find anywhere else, we still need to make a couple of green paper presidents to maintain status quo. While I am NOT asking you to click on the only two advertising banners we have (see how good we are – we know you hate those ads), I would go ahead and give you something. That’s right, instead of asking – we are giving!
Within week we will post a donation button for this web site. Anyone donated any amount (no matter how large or small) will receive a copy of Dating Advice – 9 Dating Basics. That’s right, we’ve got four more chapters to this never-ending story all packed and ready to go.
Those of you who are, thanks to oncoming Valentine’s Day, short of money will not be left out! You will be able to receive a complementary (that means – FREE!) version of same eBook, called Dating Advice – 7 Dating Basics. Hey, we needed to give the paying folks something extra, right?
Think that’s all? You ain’t seen nothing yet! For specially generous donation (somewhere around $50 and up, depending on how generous you all are) we will review your personal photo for you! What the heck does this mean? Let me elaborate.
Valentine’s Day, while hyped as the most romantic holiday ever, is actually the worst! Most couples break up either on Valentine’s Day or right after (have you ever though that Valentine’s Day abbreviates to a VD, which means quite opposite?) And break ups occur because we, guys, give them, girls, lousy presents. By the way, stay tuned for a special section on our blog about gifts and presents – just in time for holidays.
So what’s the story with photo? Oh, that’s simple. You send us that special picture that you plan to use on the dating web site or in that e-mail to a girl you are tryiing to get. We review it and tell you why it suck (or what could be improved). Best submissions will be (with your permission, of course) featured on this web site. Oh, and don’t try to be funny! Our local cops told me they can establish identity by picture of almost any human organ, so keep that organ for a real deal. Be a man, don’t act like a kid.
SPECIAL PROMOTION for LADIES ONLY! We will review your picture absolutely free. But that’s not all. On the recent dating spree I personally befriended a very beautiful and oh-so professional make-up artist. If you be kind (and we know you will be – I can’t disappoint this girl on Valentine’s Day, right?) she will share tips and advice as to how to present yourself better, fix your make-up mistakes and give you personalized dating advice.
Wrapping up – stay tuned, get your hair and nails done (guys, you too!), and prepare to send in your pictures. We’re up for a lot of fun this year, we just have to share it all!