It’s Almost Wednesday, So It’s A Post

Start on Tuesday, so the title is legit

Job – things are progressing in a weird and uncomfortable way. Should probably start looking around for a spell, at least I’ll know where I stand. Too bad I’d have to start going to some office or something – kinda like this working from home thing.

On the other hand, I don’t think I have time to have my own career to stagnate for another couple of years. I mean – it’ll probably recover at some point, but we’ll see where we stand way sooner.

Life Drama – not much is happening there. I kind of started recovering from all the shit that was happening between 2015 and 2019, so that’s a good thing. Start noticing this when you have time and desire to do little personal projects or just fix things around or do some exploration. Should start reading them books, I guess.

Photography – also, drama. One model thought another model thought wrong, so she have her a piece of mind. Which the other one returned. And I almost ended in the middle of it. Thankfully, that shit wrapped up real quick and I was able to avoid participation. We’ll see if this comes back in any way, but for now – it’s over. In the meantime, I am slowly editing some images here and there and actually enjoying it again.

Posted another shibari picture on Reddit and got a couple of responses from people wanting to do the scene. Not sure how I feel about it.